
Welcome to my blog. My name is Emjae. When I was two years old, I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. I am here in this blog to post anything inside my mind and of my interest (and also to inspire and help people with autism). This is my story.
I moved here from the Philippines when I was twelve years old with my brother Ojae and my mom. I struggled focusing on the topics in school, and I move a lot during class, which is often distracting to the students. My mom chose not to medicate me, so I will not be dependent on it. With the help of my mom, my stepdad (and his family), my older brother, and all of the teachers from my school.
I would like to mention the schools I went to in Michigan, because all of the teachers and staff really helped me to overcome my challenges, anxiety, and understand my situation. The first school I went to, Farms Intermediate, showed how schools worked differently in America compared to the Philippines. Their technology was so advanced, having a SMART Board in place of a whiteboard or blackboard. I was so excited that I tempted to touch it, especially in the first days of school. With the help of my teachers and support (Ms. Berry, Ms. Pronishen), I started focusing better during class. My first year in America was a great experience, and I started transforming for the better in terms of my behavior.
At Hartland Middle School at Ore Creek, I met Mrs. LeBlanc and Ms. Pronishen (plus the support of all teachers I know) to continue assisting me during my transformation in middle school. During this time, I competed in a geography competition at school. I won the second time participating in the competition and sent me to Kalamazoo for the competition at the statewide level. It was an amazing experience with the support of my family and teachers.
At Hartland High School, I continued to receive assistance (generally from Ms. Fortino and Mrs. Miller), but not as much as the previous years in schools. I can go by myself in every class, and I easily remember the locations of each class. I still had an issue with walking around during class, but it is not as extreme of a problem as it was in my earlier years of school. In my four years in high school, I can say that it has gotten smoother for me, and I finished high school early by one semester.
First, I am grateful with my stepdad who took me in and my brother and treated us as his own children, my family in Florida, New York, and the Philippines. I am thankful of all of the people that helped me in school, including all the principals and my classmates and schoolmates who always supported me in every school.


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