Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders's Tweets, part 1 #BernieSandersLies

This is a list of my rebuttals to Tweets by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accounts. This is my first list.

Tweet #1
Finland's personal income tax rate is 51.6 percent, typical of social democracies. France's rate is similar at 45 percent, which means there is less money in your pocket. Also, health care in Canada is not totally free. Claims of Canada's health care system being high quality or "free" have been debunked here and here. Additionally, Canada's so-called best health care system is ranked last. We do not want to fall for the caveats of adopting social democracy in America (read: sky high income taxes).

Tweet #2
Just like other socialists do, they attack the rich and degrade the successes of free market capitalism (take a look at Hong Kong and Singapore for example). Bernie Sanders wants to control the wealth of the richest people to enslave them. Cuba's economy is socialist, and it never prospered because wealth redistribution makes everyone equally poor.

Tweet #3
Why? Because Bernie Sanders wants to control health care so that people have no choice. Rights do not come from governments; they come from the Constitution which defines America. The Affordable Care Act is a total disaster, seeing their deductibles rise substantially.

Tweet #4
Raising the minimum wage would be a good idea on paper, but it has many harmful consequences, including the most obvious case leftists don't understand: cost of labor. When the cost of labor is increased, it creates a surplus of workers. Think of a minimum wage as a price floor of labor. Bernie Sanders ignores many studies that minimum wage laws hurt low-skilled labor. New York City's new minimum wage law is already crushing entry level employment and small businesses as labor becomes too expensive due to the unjustifiably high minimum wage, which is seen here. Governor Cuomo: once an economic illiterate, always an economic illiterate.

Bernie Sanders is the face of socialists. Socialists fear the rich and free market capitalism. They want government to control EVERYTHING.


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