My criticism of the Green New Deal #GreenNewDeal #POTUS

The Green New Deal is a plan proposed by the Democratic Congress that is supposed to limit emissions that would cause climate change...

...but the Green New Deal does confer many unintended consequences. It is similar to global wealth redistribution.
Seeing how almost every activity humans do today emit small amounts of greenhouse gases. Ocasio-Cortez also wants to regulate "cow farts" because methane supposedly causes climate change. However, methane in the atmosphere is usually measured in parts per billion (ppb), while carbon dioxide is measured in parts per million (ppm).

Wind farms and solar panels also rely on fossil fuels to be built (or even maintained).

Thus, the Green New Deal is a hamper on everything involving greenhouse gases. It is also impractical, with the estimated cost to be at least twice the national debt of the United States.

It would require everyone to pay exorbitant income taxes, which will make it very difficult to make a living in America, according to the PragerU short video.
Gary Varvel for Feb 14, 2019
  1. It will drastically increase the federal deficit.
  2. Create "unprecedented" government intervention in the private sector.
  3. Eliminate 99% of cars (which means your travel choices are very limited).
  4. End all air travel (go back to traveling by boat, which will take weeks to reach an overseas destination)
  5. Cost Americans untold trillions.
The Green New Deal is impractical and prohibitively expensive. It will not stop climate change.
Globalists want to control everything we do. They are the Marxists (Democrats) of today.


  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s is a crazy woman. Thank you for your input.

    1. She despises success as she congratulated Amazon's decision not to expand to New York City because of supposed corporate "greed".


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