Seventy-two hours without electricity across Venezuela #SinLuz

It continues from the previous post here.
It has been 72 hours without electric service in much of Venezuela! How do you feel @NicolasMaduro after you beat the record? Winner? Are you going to answer and pay the Venezuelan people all the damage that the corruption and the inability of your regime has done to them? People want solutions now!

It has been three days since Venezuela has been without electricity service. Protests are taking place somewhere, with lootings and burning of objects.
Since the blackout began, fifteen dialysis patients died. Modern hospitals rely on electricity so that the patients can survive for longer.

Hospitals are closer to being like the nineteenth century in Venezuela, says libertarian economist Steve Hanke. As I said so, leftists destroy any prosperity by giving government more power in expense to its citizens.
Bernie Sanders and Obama praised Venezuelan socialism, and socialism fails all the time because the people eventually run out of money.
Meanwhile, pro-government propagandist TeleSur disseminates blatant lies about the blackout in Venezuela. TeleSur is fake news.
There is no "cybernetic warfare," and the Maduro government always lies about the situation in Venezuela. A hydroelectric dam failure was the culprit of the blackout across the country.


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