Price tag of the Green New Deal and refuting Bernie Sanders once more

Bezos, so much for the Big Apple.

According to a study published by the conservative American Action Forum (AAF), the cost of the Green New Deal over a decade could be up to $93 trillion (over $625,000 per household), with a T. That is equal to 1.1 years of the world's economic output (GDP).
Yes, seriously. It requires extreme taxation, strict environmental regulation, plus a single-payer health plan. Progressives continue to push this impractical plan, which will trick people into knowing that it will work for everyone.

The Green New Deal will degrade the quality of life of everyone living in America with living conditions similar to a third-world nation today, while doing ultimately nothing to solve the supposed "climate crisis".

Here are some Tweets from Bernie Sanders that I can refute:

Student loan debt

What Bernie Sanders didn't know is that over the past several decades, government involvement in education increased, causing tuitions to rise. Big government is invariably the problem of our current generation, in which Bernie Sanders refuses to solve. A bigger government can't solve big government problems.

More minimum wage nonsense

The federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour is far from a "starvation wage," and it serves as a starting point for the younger labor force to enter higher-paying careers. The federal minimum wage also serves as a price floor for the entire labor force of America. When an employee gives minimum effort, and if the effort is insufficient for the minimum wage, it is not possible for the employer to pay to the employee anything below the legislated minimum wage, so it will likely result in the employee getting fired. Minimum wage laws restrict the hiring of employees with few skills. Remember, they can only be paid for what they are worth (skill is value)! Economic growth, not minimum wage increases, drives wage growth. If you want to get paid more, get more skilled in the job.

Bernie Sanders's hatred of the free market

Non-solutions to this supposed problem: raise taxes on corporations, raise minimum wage, take from the Walton family and give it to the poor. No! The big corporations drive wage AND economic growth! Bernie Sanders demonizing the free market shows his hatred of the successful economic system in America. He wants to legislate the wealthy out of prosperity through stiff taxes and increased government intervention in the private sector!


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