24 hours without electricity service in Venezuela #SinLuz

Venezuelans have been facing a power outage nationwide for 24 consecutive hours. Thanks, Maduro for your socialist policies that ruined the nation and the economy. Nationalization (government takeover) of the private sector is for losers. With every part of the industry nationalized, they are falling apart because people have no choice. You can have a big government or personal freedom, but NOT both at the same time; they are mutually exclusive.

Here are some photos of Caracas without power (to see buildings a camera with a very wide aperture is needed)
Because of the power outage, people could not go to work, and children were unable to go to school.

Venezuela has been experiencing on-and-off power outages during the Maduro government. They have gotten worse since the government controlled the utilities sector.

Government takeover of the private sector is socialism. It always fails. All the time. Juan Guaidó, why not make them private again?

Venezuela illustrates the failure of centrally-planned economies, such as the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact members. Free markets (Hong Kong and Singapore), low taxes, and government out of the way were the foundations of a prospering economy. Government coercion undermines a great nation and economy, and everything touched by the left gets destroyed. Venezuela was once a prospering nation with a working private sector until the industries were taken over by the government (that's nationalization) by the PSUV.

It is time for Venezuela to return back to having a small government and free markets by privatizing the nation's industries once again.


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