Another day without electricity in Venezuela #SinLuz

Image result for power outage
The electricity service has been out in Venezuela since 48 hours ago, and it has not been fully restored to everyone. Electricity was briefly restored, until a new power outage occurred. The western states are still without power for 48 consecutive hours. This is a continuation of my previous post.

The Venezuelan government (Maduro) continues to spread conspiracy theories about why the power outage occurred. They claimed that it was a sabotage made by the American government. Not so. A hydroelectric dam that provided electricity to the majority of Venezuela failed, leaving over 30 million citizens without electricity.

This is why government control of any sector (it is socialism) fails all the time! The socialist PSUV has been ruling Venezuela for over a decade. Meanwhile, the opposition still could not think of a platform after a rally in Caracas earlier today.

Big government is all about control of the people through regulations, stiff taxes, gun control, wealth control, and government-run (nationalized) industries. You can have a big government or a free country (with a small government), but NOT both.
Economically inept Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are promising these same policies (e.g. Medicare-for-All and "free college") that wrecked Venezuela and other states that went socialist. In a free country, there is room for big and small businesses. Progressives want to stifle the rich with stiff taxes for them. When the rich get taxed too much, they move to a lower tax area.

Bernie Sanders ignores the adverse effects of his proposed economic policies, including (but not limited to) huge job losses, production controls, out-of-control spending, and eventually running short of money for government-run industries.Bernie to Transform America 2020
 Leftists destroy anything they touch, including freedom.


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