Understanding wealth redistribution #GreenNewDeal

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez despises the super wealthy and success. Ocasio-Cortez wants government coercion of wealth from the rich so that big government bureaucrats can become wealthy and corrupt. She wants to increase government control spending, and her impractical Green New Deal has an estimated price tag of at least twice the national debt of the United States now.

Venezuela's socialist policies have already failed, and the nation is presently with two recognized heads of state. The United States and its allies recognize Juan Guaidó as the President of Venezuela, while the enemies of the United States, including Russia, recognize Nicolás Maduro instead. "Socialism of the 21st century," just like all other brands of socialism, always lead to failure. Now in the United States, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez's brand of "democratic socialism" is just another type of socialism.

Socialism is always about taking the wealth away from the rich and giving it to those who failed. In the long run, only corrupt political bureaucrats get rich, with equal sharing of miseries for its citizens. In almost every well-known case, socialism and freedom are mutually exclusive. Government control of anything (you can think of) has always lead to failure. Centrally-planned economies never prospered.

Today, liberal public universities are teaching us far-left propaganda to try to bring socialism to the United States. The top public universities in the United States almost have no conservative professors. I would like them to stop bringing liberalism to America, and be closer to the center than to the left.

One year after the Republican tax plan took effect, many, many people are paying significantly less in taxes than last year. Because they are paying less in taxes, tax refunds get smaller, too as less tend to pay too much in taxes. Kamala Harris does not understand how tax refunds work. Sad. Excess taxation is brazen theft from nice, rich people. High taxes on the rich are a part of a socialist plan.
Socialists always portray the ultra-wealthy as the enemies. In fact, it is the government controlling the people who are the enemies.


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