Is the holiday called Washington's Birthday or President's Day... or Presidents' Day?
Every year, on the third Monday of February, Americans observe Washington's Birthday as a federal holiday, but people keep calling it Presidents' Day (never mind the apostrophe). This may be because George Washington's date of birth is February 22, 1732. Thus, people call it that day because the Washington's Birthday federal holiday never falls on February 22 under the current form in which the holiday its observed.
A better cause of why the Washington's Birthday federal holiday is colloquially referred to as President's Day is because they honor every President that has served in America.
As a state holiday, the name varies from state to state, including Washington's Birthday, Presidents' Day, President's Day, and Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday.
Depending upon the specific law, the state holiday might officially celebrate Washington alone, or Washington and Abraham Lincoln (whose birthday is February 12).
We can call the holiday either Washington's Birthday or Presidents' Day, whichever one we like to call it more.
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