Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders's Tweets, part 3 #CrazyBernie #BernieSandersLies

Every week I refute Bernie Sanders with facts. This is a list of my rebuttals to Tweets by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accounts. This is my third list.

Tweet #1

No proof given, so he makes an ad hominem. He sure is running for president, trying to defeat Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders will bring in liberalism to America, which has been tried and failed invariably.

Tweet #2

No, the true factors for how great a nation is are economic prosperity, economic freedom, freedom from government intervention, democracy, and the absence of corruption. He wants to bring socialism and government intervention into the American economy. Big government IS the problem as it limits the liberties of its citizens.

Tweet #3

Yes, Bernie Sanders, keep believing propaganda from Fight For $15 as you celebrate entry-level employees lose access to low-paying jobs because they no longer have sufficient skills for the increased minimum wage. Proponents of raising the minimum wage have no idea what will happen to employees without enough jobs to cover for the increased minimum wage. The only winners of legislated minimum wage laws are big government bureaucrats. There will be even more automation because their employers could not cover the increased minimum wage for its employees.

Tweet #4

Legislating the rich out of prosperity by making the government take more money from them? The foundation to prosperity comes to no needless regulation, low taxes, laissez-faire, and no government intervention of the private sector. Socialists like Bernie Sanders invariably portray the rich as their greatest enemy and always have goals to take away money from the rich and giving it to the poor. Socialism is an equal sharing of miseries.


Tweet #5

Bernie Sanders shows his hatred of the Second Amendment with his Tweet below:
Related image Is any NRA member involved in any mass shooting in its history? Look at the strict gun control laws in Chicago, Detroit, and St. Louis, all having Democratic mayors for at least half a century. In the strict gun control cities, gun homicide still takes place routinely. Sanders does not even know that no amount of gun legislation will disarm criminals, and that an overwhelming majority of mass shootings took place in Biden's "gun-free zones". No sign reading "gun-free" or similar has ever prevented a big mass shooting. Gun control laws were not meant to disarm criminals; instead, they leave law-abiding citizens defenseless. The term "assault weapon" is used by gun control proponents to politicize the issue. Strict gun control in Brazil and state gun confiscation in Venezuela both lead to high gun homicide rates for these countries, because its citizens can't defend themselves from illegally armed criminals.


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