Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders's Tweets, part 2 #BernieSandersLies

Every week I refute Bernie Sanders with facts. This is a list of my rebuttals to Tweets by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accounts. This is my second list.

Tweet #1
A single-payer health care system, when brought over to the United States, would cost at least $3.2 trillion extra per year for the next ten years (plus what the federal government spends now in health care). Additionally, it will take away the options of individual citizens to choose their private health care plan. The VA, for example, provides limited options in health care because it is run by the government. Declaring healthcare a right does not make it so. Big government bureaucrats do not confer constitutional rights.

Here is an article from Breitbart that proves my point: here

Tweet #2
What about people who are not citizens (illegal immigrants) of the United States? What about preventing fraud in voting (including posthumous votes)? Many polling places require photo ID to vote. Democrats have been cheating in elections to try to steal the win from their opponents, with Arizona's senate and gubernatorial races in 2018 being unusually lopsided. Governor Ducey (Republican), but Senator Sinema (Democrat)? Come on. Americans deserve better than these lopsided results. I am making sure to demand photo ID to vote in every election, especially in the upcoming presidential race on November 3, 2020.

Tweet #3
How many times would I have to tell government control is not the answer to high prescription drug prices? Price ceilings enacted by the Prescription Drug Price Relief Act will eventually result in shortages in the long run because Big Pharma wants their branded drugs to be expensive (and they are not that efficient). Prescription drugs without brands are cheaper (and have the same function as their pricier, branded counterparts) are widely available now.
Image result for branded drug price inflationImage result for branded drug price inflation
This again affirms that health care should NOT be run by the government. It must be run by private firms. America should get people out of branded prescription medication (and into generic) before they spend too much money.

Tweet #4
Image result for mean hourly wage
There is no proof that a minimum wage hike will also increase wages. Bernie Sanders wants to make labor more expensive so that their employers seek automation. Additionally, people working at the minimum wage seldom work full-time. The $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage is for entry level jobs for the youth in the labor force. By raising federal the minimum wage to $15 an hour, these entry level jobs will likely become inaccessible after only a few days.

So yeah, $15 an hour is outrageous. It will kill entry level employment because of an artificial price floor of labor. The real minimum wage is ZERO, so that everyone can be at work without the need of many skills. As stated in my post last week, hikes in the minimum wage have unintended consequences for jobs, especially those who pay low. Specifically, a minimum wage law makes it illegal to hire anyone who is not skilled enough for the job. For employees to get a raise, they need to become more skilled at the job. No minimum wage hike needed.

Breitbart has a list of articles pertaining to the minimum wage here.


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