Why gun control does not work? #SecondAmendment

This is a very controversial topic as it involves the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. The Founding Fathers thought of this so that every lawful citizen can own firearms.

When someone commits a homicide, some liberal might shout "gun control" because lax gun laws are causing homicides. They are wrong because they do not know how gun control works.

Gun control is like restricting lawful citizens from obtaining firearms. Unfortunately, it only applies to those who abide with the law, not criminals. Gun control has major flaws Amnesty International does not want to tell you.

"AR-15" stands for "armalite rifle". Liberals call it an "assault rifle".

Even the federal capital became a crime center after gun control.

The most common example is that it restricts law abiding citizens from owning firearms. This is a flagrant infringement of the Second Amendment. They may have lost your right to own firearms to stiff gun control laws, while criminals can still obtain them easily.

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In fact, no amount of gun control can prevent criminals (or the government) from illegally having firearms.

Armed civilians usually try to stop criminals from causing big shootings. In the other hand being unarmed makes you less safe during times when you are being attacked by criminals because there is no option of self-defense through the use of a firearm.

For example, Brazil has one of the strictest laws (at the national level) related to firearms. Liberals expect Brazil to have a low homicide rate. However, each year, over 40,000 people are killed by gun homicide in Brazil, compared to just 12,000 for the United States (suicide represents the majority of firearm-related deaths in the United States).

When a mass shooting occurs, the left shouts "the NRA," "white supremacy," "gun control," or something else. An overwhelming majority of the mass shootings occurred in legislated "gun-free" zones. Additionally, there was not one mass shooting on record where NRA members are involved.

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Chicago is an area of very strict gun laws. In 2018, one person in Chicago got murdered every 15 hours on average (589 total homicides, with 495 deaths by firearm; source: https://heyjackass.com/category/2018-stats/). Areas with the strictest gun control laws have become cesspools of gun violence, just like in Latin America and the Caribbean, where 33% of the world's homicides occur each year. The same region represented roughly eight percent of the world's population.

The reason why gun control fails is because the lawful citizens could not protect themselves due to the gun laws preventing them from owning firearms, but criminals can choose to flagrantly violate the law by purchasing or getting firearms from illegal sources, such as the black market.

Today, we have politicians and well-known people who want to take away firearms from law-abiding citizens who use them for self-defense, including Michael Bloomberg, Nancy Pelosi, David Hogg, and various left-wing organizations across the globe. I would like the US to be like Switzerland in gun policy, which requires that every adult citizen has firearms. Switzerland has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world despite very lax gun laws. Venezuela has the opposite (banned citizens from owning firearms but has a very high homicide rate).

Gun control kills. Why? It enables criminals while leaving law abiding citizens defenseless. I am suggesting states and local government to repeal burdensome laws related to firearms.


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