Leftist hysteria on social media #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

When the left has lost their mind that their ideas do not work, they throw in fact-free hysteria as they could not try to refute the facts of a decent conservative. Here is an example below, from a Twitter thread from three months ago (some spelling mistakes corrected):

Ron DeSantis: This election will decide who appoints Florida's next 3 Supreme Court Justices. The stakes have never been higher for protecting our Constitution, Second Amendment, & religious freedoms. I promise to appoint judges who support our Constitution and interpret the laws as written! The original Tweet can be found here.
  • Liberal: It won't be you Ron. The last thing we need are 3 more Republican justices who are motivated by Washington and the 1%.
  • Conservative: No. We need justices who rule by the constitution and laws of the state of Florida. Legislators make the laws NOT judges. Go read their job description
  • Liberal: It up to the justices to make sure they're constitutional. Since that's a thing of the past when it comes to the GOP Legislature. The justices are just as corrupt when not balanced out.
  • Conservative: You have been brainwashed by lib news. It was was Obama who lost all the cases for being unconstitutional. Trump won all his. GOP legislators fed and state are fine, and within the constitution
  • Liberal: Whatever koolaid your drinking please stop before it kills you. You support a racist, sexual assault, bigot, liar and a freaking crook. (no proof)
  • Conservative: And your hate has destroyed your mind, please check into your metal health facility. Your delusion and ignoring of the facts is hurting you. BTW, Obama still holds the title of liar in chief, and racists, the FACTS prove this not just false accusations
  • Liberal: And your ignorance is so sad.
  • Conservative: Please educate me, list the racist ACTIONS done. Then we will get other list of your other false charges, the actions only. Real facts not opinion.
  • Liberal: Isn't it enough that racists believe DeSantis is a racist? The writings are on the wall.
  • Conservative: The only ones calling DeSantis a racist are liberals who took a common saying and made it into one. Again, out of context, distorted to make political gain.
  • Liberal: I don't know about that. Most racists are Trump Supporters (no plausible unbiased proof that Trump supporters are racist)
  • Conservative: There you go lying again...just because your warped mind thinks it and you are type it, does not make it so.. found these lies are mostly with libs who have no facts, zero.
  • Liberal: No facts like Trump on his latest racist tv advertisement that was pulled off. (no facts, just starts playing the race card and resorts to ad hominem)
  • Conservative: You will be blocked for you have zero information to contribute and keep playing a false race card with ZERO facts. Bye
This shows that liberals have completely lost their mind because they cannot discuss facts well. They could not see what happened to liberal paradises like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, and San Francisco, whose living conditions have deteriorated significantly since Democratic mayors ran these cities. Cities which have recorded the greatest population declines since 1950 are predominantly liberal. If they ignore the situation of the people living in liberal cities, this proves that liberalism is a mental disorder!


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