Why liberal policies fail (and a list of all of them that failed) #LiberalLogic

What she wants to do is to legislate the rich out of prosperity through stiff big government taxes (like the Green New Deal).
Liberal policies are closer to socialism and bigger government (e.g. government control of corporations) and discouraging private property.

When government controls something, you have less freedom. Bigger government usually translates to less personal freedom.

Here is a list of all liberal policies that lead to failure:

  • High taxes (when you overtax the rich, you end up getting LESS tax revenue in the long run). A low-tax environment was key for nations to prosper. Too much taxation is what is going on in California, resulting in significantly less purchasing power for your money there than in the rest of the nation.
    • Millions fled high-tax regions for lower tax regions for the last several decades.
    • Bernie Sanders shows his hatred of success by demanding higher taxes on the rich.
      • He said "I say to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump: Instead of repealing the estate tax, let’s substantially increase this tax on multi-millionaires and billionaires and reduce wealth inequality in America."
      • There is no way to tax into prosperity. You cannot make the poor prosper by legislating the rich out of prosperity.
      • Taxation is theft, not charity. People who feel they are undertaxed should give their wealth to charity rather than waiting for them to be taxed.
    • The rich are already paying the vast majority of taxes, and as the share of income by the top bracket increases, you expect them to pay more in taxes.
    • Even people who became wealthy on capitalism are liberals. The net worth of popular liberals can be in the billions (even Jeff Bezos is a liberal).
    • Only millionaires or richer are able to live comfortably on high-tax regions, but because their wealth is being taken away by the government, they generally move to areas with lower taxes.
      • Various studies affirm that wealth is moving from high-tax to low-tax areas of the United States.
  • Exorbitant minimum wage (cost of labor also goes up, resulting in a surplus of labor, which means more people will seek for jobs). Bernie Sanders has no understanding of this topic.
    • Fight for $15 is a propagandist backed by Big Labor.
    • Bernie Sanders claims that a $15/hour federal minimum wage will give 40 million Americans a raise. Not so. Millions will lose their jobs to increased labor costs. Eventually, the increased minimum wage will be canceled out by increased consumer prices just after the new, higher minimum wage was legislated.
      • This process is called automation, a replacement to stiff minimum wages. Examples of automation include the installation of kiosks and robots.
  • Gun control (spectacularly fails to curb gun violence because criminals can get them even with strict laws on firearms). This also occurs with gun-free zones.
  • Affordable Care Act (Obama-era policy which has resulted in skyrocketing health care bills and deductibles). Forcing people to have health care comes at a price.
  • Labor unions (people have to pay union dues, resulting in a smaller net paycheck for the workers). This is why right-to-work was implemented in many states so that joining a union is no longer compulsory for workers. Workplace freedom is still being discouraged by big labor bosses.
  • Regulations: when there are too many regulations in place, businesses struggle to prosper.


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