
Showing posts from 2019

Why the Squad of four congresswomen hates America

The "Squad" of four congresswomen, all of who despise American values. It is a battle between America and the progressive, globalist left. Recently, I have been getting in touch with the four congresswomen, all criticized by Donald Trump as being "very racist" and "troublemaking". The four congresswomen of the Squad are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (MN-5), Ayanna Pressley (MA-7), and Rashida Tlaib (MI-13). Of these, only Ilhan Omar was born outside the United States, in Mogadishu, Somalia; the rest were born on U.S. soil. The four progressive congresswomen have shown their hatred of America through repeated anti-Semitic comments, bashing Israel with unfounded criticisms (one of America's close allies which the left hates), embracing abortion until birth, and advocating for socialism and open borders. Even worse, now they are calling to abolish ICE (the Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and the Department of Homeland

Apologies for my inactivity

Due to my recent movement of my home, and getting busy with doing college-related stuff, I could not post anything on my blog for more than two months. I will be able to post anything very soon on my blog on my free time, since I remain busy doing college work in the meantime. Thanks for waiting!

Crazy liberals!

Here is a list of liberals acting crazy every day to taunt the President and his allies. Bill De Blasio: ran NYC to the ground once more with stiff taxes, regulations, and a $15/hour minimum wage. Now the city is on the verge of bankruptcy. Andrew Cuomo: 56th Governor of New York. With the same liberal plan that ruined other states, New York is struggling to keep its economy growing as its citizens flee for other states. Again, the big cities are generally Democratic strongholds, which helps keep Democrats in control of the great state of New York. Ilhan Omar: Facilitates antisemitism, bigotry, and hatred. The media and other progressives call her a "hero". She trivialized the attacks on September 11, 2001 with "some people did something". In reality, it is an act of war and terrorism. People who foolishly stand with Omar secretly embrace Islam and antisemitism. Adam Schiff continues to keep the fake "Russian Collusion" story going, even when givin

My history in American politics #WalkAway

When I went to the United States, I had no real experience in American politics and its issues because I never heard of that. I had no experience in American politics well into my time living in the United States, as I did not know what the differences between the two major political parties in the United States (the Republican Party and the Democratic Party). Only in the start of 2016 I began getting involved in the politics of the United States as a liberal due to embracing Bernie Sanders, and I formerly showed dislike on conservatives and Donald Trump. I formerly thought that America was doomed due to Donald Trump as I relied on the liberal media on supposed "facts". I used to believe in climate change, higher taxes, so-called "net neutrality", an increased minimum wage, and I continued to do so because of Trump's low approval rating for over a year, until I began realizing the failures committed by the left, including socialism (take a look at Venezuela),

Playrix April Fools' Day 2019

On April Fools' Day 2019, Playrix played jokes on fans of these games. They might be temporary, so these posts may be permanently lost after a few days. Township (cross Fishdom ?!) Fishdom Gardenscapes Homescapes

Seven days until #Brexit

It is the final week of the United Kingdom in the European Union. The UK was one of the members of the original European Economic Community in 1973, which then became the European Union twenty years later. The UK has spent a total of 46 years being in the EEC and the EU. With the burdensome EU/Brussels regulations adversely affecting the British economy, it is finally time for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to leave the European Union at 11 PM UK time on Friday, March 29, 2019. With Britain's withdrawal of the European Union this coming Friday, it will soon stop being subject to laws also from Brussels (the European Union). The seventeen million British people who voted to leave the European Union have promised to keep their Euroscepticism. Meanwhile, globalist fake news sites such as Sky News continue to post leftist hysteria about the impacts of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. Because Leave means Leave. One example of a Sky News sto

Four days without electricity in Venezuela #SinLuz #SocialismKills

Since Thursday afternoon (four days ago at time of publication), Venezuela has been facing a power outage. So far, it has killed 19 hospital patients (modern hospitals rely on electricity for patients to survive for longer). Thus, the situation in hospitals in Venezuela looks more like the nineteenth century, when hospital patients were unlikely to survive a visit. In the early morning hours, there was an explosion of a transformer in Caracas, as a result of lack of government care and maintenance. If it were privately owned, they would fix it quickly. A nationalized industry means that the government decides on who will receive the benefits instead of the private owners. Nationalizing industries is for losers. For example, PDVSA is nationalized, but it is in big trouble. The only way to save PDVSA is to privatize  it. Big government bureaucrats rely on corruption rather than efficiency. State-run industries are too inefficient, let alone government control of the private sector.

Seventy-two hours without electricity across Venezuela #SinLuz

It continues from the previous post  here . 72 hrs sin servicio eléctrico en gran parte de Venezuela! Cómo te sientes @NicolasMaduro luego de batir récord? Vencedor? Vas a responderle y pagarle a los venezolanos todo el daño que la corrupción y la incapacidad de tú régimen les ha hecho? La gente quiere SOLUCIONES YA! — Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) March 10, 2019 It has been 72 hours without electric service in much of Venezuela! How do you feel @NicolasMaduro after you beat the record? Winner? Are you going to answer and pay the Venezuelan people all the damage that the corruption and the inability of your regime has done to them? People want solutions now! It has been three days since Venezuela has been without electricity service. Protests are taking place somewhere, with lootings and burning of objects. Since the blackout began, fifteen dialysis patients died. Modern hospitals rely on electricity so that the patients can survive for longer. Hospitals are closer t

Another day without electricity in Venezuela #SinLuz

The electricity service has been out in Venezuela since 48 hours ago, and it has not been fully restored to everyone. Electricity was briefly restored, until a new power outage occurred. The western states are still without power for 48 consecutive hours. This is a continuation of my previous post . The Venezuelan government (Maduro) continues to spread conspiracy theories about why the power outage occurred. They claimed that it was a sabotage made by the American government. Not so. A hydroelectric dam that provided electricity to the majority of Venezuela failed, leaving over 30 million citizens without electricity. This is why government control of any sector (it is socialism) fails all the time! The socialist PSUV has been ruling Venezuela for over a decade. Meanwhile, the opposition still could not think of a platform after a rally in Caracas earlier today. Big government is all about control of the people through regulations, stiff taxes, gun control, wealth control, and

24 hours without electricity service in Venezuela #SinLuz

Venezuelans have been facing a power outage nationwide for 24 consecutive hours. Thanks, Maduro for your socialist policies that ruined the nation and the economy. Nationalization (government takeover) of the private sector is for losers. With every part of the industry nationalized, they are falling apart because people have no choice. You can have a big government or personal freedom, but NOT both at the same time; they are mutually exclusive. ALERT: Reports of a complete power outage all across #Venezuela at this moment. 18 of 23 states & the capital district are currently facing complete blackouts. Main airport also without power & backup generators have failed. #MaduroRegime is a complete disaster. — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) March 7, 2019 Here are some photos of Caracas without power (to see buildings a camera with a very wide aperture is needed)     Because of the power outage, people could not go to work, and children were unable to go to school. Ve

Price tag of the Green New Deal and refuting Bernie Sanders once more

Bezos, so much for the Big Apple. According to a study published by the conservative American Action Forum (AAF), the cost of the Green New Deal over a decade could be up to $93 trillion (over $625,000 per household), with a T. That is equal to 1.1 years of the world's economic output (GDP). The Green New Deal will be very expensive – our initial estimates are summarized below - @DJHEakin . — American Action Forum (@AAF) February 25, 2019 Yes, seriously. It requires extreme taxation, strict environmental regulation, plus a single-payer health plan. Progressives continue to push this impractical plan, which will trick people into knowing that it will work for everyone. The Green New Deal will degrade the quality of life of everyone living in America with living conditions similar to a third-world nation today, while doing ultimately nothing to solve the supposed "climate crisis". Here are some Tweets from Ber

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e

This is my wish for Easter 2019, the Galaxy Tab S5e, serving to replace my over two-and-a-half year old Galaxy Tab S2 (2016). I am going to like this! I planned to buy the Galaxy Tab S4 but was too expensive. Therefore, I went for the Galaxy Tab S5e instead, one of the mobile devices Samsung announced a week ago, along with the Galaxy S10, the Galaxy S10e, the Galaxy S10+, and the Galaxy Fold, a new foldable phone. I am going to have a great time with using the Galaxy Tab S5e, as the camera has flash (unlike the Tab S2), is HDR enabled, and can record 4K video at 30 frames per second. Selected specifications 10.5-inch display, Super AMOLED WQXGA 2560×1600 @ 288 ppi Snapdragon 670 chipset and octa-core CPU for good performance + fast charge 4 or 6 GB LPDDR4X memory and 64 or 128 GB internal storage, expandable via MicroSD Android 9 (Pie) OS with One UI Samsung Knox for protection Lightweight, weighing only 14.1 ounces Coming April 4, starting at US$399.99 before taxes.

How Brazil solved their economic troubles in the 1990s

Brazil, well-known for being the only Portuguese-speaking nation in the Americas, has been independent for nearly two centuries. As an independent nation, today, it is an emerging market economy that has suffered under years of leftist presidents such as Lula da Silva. Bolsonaro's economic and social reforms will likely decide the future of Brazil's economy and its people. Today, I will take a look at Brazil between 1986 and 1994, a string of economic stabilization plans that ultimately failed. Because emerging market economies keep making the common mistake of inertial inflation, and that central banks do not help on these economies. 28 February 1986: Plano Cruzado : The economic stability plan replaces Brazil's currency, the cruzeiro, with the cruzado, with one cruzado equal to 1000 cruzeiros. The price freeze worked initially, with monthly inflation going down from 12.47% on February 1986 to 1.43% on October of the same year. However, price controls have had an adve

More facts about gun control which the left does not want to tell you

The left hates the Second Amendment as much as they hate America. Only a brain corrupted by liberalism would blame mass shootings on the NRA. The NRA has never caused mass shootings EVER. Steve Goddard of also explains gun control  here . Another curious fact Nearly every episode of state gun confiscation has resulted in governmental genocide (Stalin 20 million, Hitler 13 million, Mao 20 million. Pot 2 million), killing millions and millions of defenseless citizens or dissidents. The power of the Second Amendment is what keeps America great, not these gun-grabbing liberals. Once the left takes away our right to bear arms, America may be facing another genocide, with its citizens completely defenseless.

Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders's Tweets, part 3 #CrazyBernie #BernieSandersLies

Every week I refute Bernie Sanders with facts. This is a list of my rebuttals to Tweets by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accounts. This is my third list. Tweet #1 What’s crazy is that we have a president who is a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe and a fraud. We are going to bring people together and not only defeat Trump but transform the economic and political life of this country. Say you're in: — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) February 20, 2019 No proof given, so he makes an ad hominem. He sure is running for president, trying to defeat Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders will bring in liberalism to America, which has been tried and failed invariably. Tweet #2 I'm running for president because a great nation is judged not by how many billionaires and nuclear weapons it has, but by how it treats the most vulnerable – the elderly, the children, our veterans, the sick and the poor. — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) February 20, 2019

Is the holiday called Washington's Birthday or President's Day... or Presidents' Day?

Every year, on the third Monday of February, Americans observe Washington's Birthday as a federal holiday, but people keep calling it Presidents' Day (never mind the apostrophe). This may be because George Washington's date of birth is February 22, 1732. Thus, people call it that day because the Washington's Birthday federal holiday never falls on February 22 under the current form in which the holiday its observed. A better cause of why the Washington's Birthday federal holiday is colloquially referred to as President's Day is because they honor every President that has served in America. As a state holiday, the name varies from state to state, including Washington's Birthday, Presidents' Day, President's Day, and Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday. Depending upon the specific law, the state holiday might officially celebrate Washington alone, or Washington and Abraham Lincoln (whose birthday is February 12). We can call the hol

How dealing with low-value currencies makes accounting unwieldy

23,200 Ä‘ồng to one U.S. dollar, the exchange rate of the second-lowest valued circulating currency in the world. When the value of a local currency falls due to inflation, people will see bigger and bigger values in an accounting context in their lifetimes. In extreme cases, they will see bigger values and even digits added in a few years. When it starts getting unwieldy, the central bank usually eliminates the subdivisions of a currency to temporarily ease calculations in accounting. When the value of the currency continues to fall, it will eventually get unwieldy to make calculations in accounting. This is why central banks have redenominated their currency several times so that accounting is done easier and faster. First, they announce that a number of zeros (usually a multiple of three) will be removed from the currency. Then they release the new denominations of the currency in coins (if any) and banknotes. Once the new currency enters circulation, the central bank announces

Understanding wealth redistribution #GreenNewDeal

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez despises the super wealthy and success. Ocasio-Cortez wants government coercion of wealth from the rich so that big government bureaucrats can become wealthy and corrupt. She wants to increase government control spending, and her impractical Green New Deal has an estimated price tag of at least twice the national debt of the United States now. Venezuela's socialist policies have already failed, and the nation is presently with two recognized heads of state. The United States and its allies recognize Juan Guaidó as the President of Venezuela, while the enemies of the United States, including Russia, recognize Nicolás Maduro instead. "Socialism of the 21st century," just like all other brands of socialism, always lead to failure. Now in the United States, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez's brand of "democratic socialism" is just another type of socialism. Socialism is always about taking the wealth away from the rich and giving it to tho

More hatred from leftists on Twitter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

Leftists show their hatred of America... every day. WATCH LIVE: Governor DeSantis makes a major announcement from Titusville — Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) February 13, 2019 Here are some of these hysterical Tweets and responses: Is there any plausible proof of conservatives being racist? Liberals have made the term completely meaningless. Even the leftist troll can't spell. The amount of leftist hysteria during the Trump administration is beyond unprecedented. Here are some things the "Resistance" wants Bigger government = more corruption More taxes Discourage border security More government control of the private sector Needless, counterproductive regulations of the economy Trump and Pence removed from office Attack the Second Amendment with gun control laws A "progressive" platform that will never work well for America The dumb "Resistance" lies about our President every day.

National Debt of the United States #NationalDebt

22,000,000,000,000 On February 11, 2019, the national debt of the United States surpassed $22 trillion for the first time on record. When government spends too much, they borrow too much, so you get the corruption of big government bureaucrats causing the ballooning of the national debt. Hopefully the President should reduce spending on the government (e.g. make it smaller) so that the national debt does not continue to grow unabated. Every trillion dollar interval starting from $10 trillion (days taken) The national debt reached $10 trillion on September 30, 2008. During Obama's presidency... the national debt reached $11 trillion on March 16, 2009 (167 days) $12 trillion on November 16, 2009 (245 days) $13 trillion on June 1, 2010 (196 days) $14 trillion on December 31, 2010 (213 days) $15 trillion on November 15, 2011 (319 days) $16 trillion on August 31, 2012 (289 days) $17 trillion on October 17, 2013 (412 days) $18 trillion on November 28, 2014 (407 days) $19

Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders's Tweets, part 2 #BernieSandersLies

Every week I refute Bernie Sanders with facts. This is a list of my rebuttals to Tweets by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accounts. This is my second list. Tweet #1 We cannot continue a dysfunctional healthcare system which costs us about twice as much per capita as any other major country and leaves nearly 30 million Americans uninsured. We must guarantee health care for everyone through a Medicare for All program. — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) February 13, 2019 A single-payer health care system, when brought over to the United States, would cost at least $3.2 trillion extra per year for the next ten years (plus what the federal government spends now in health care). Additionally, it will take away the options of individual citizens to choose their private health care plan. The VA, for example, provides limited options in health care because it is run by the government. Declaring healthcare a right does not make it so. Big government bureaucrats do not confer constitutional rights.

My criticism of the Green New Deal #GreenNewDeal #POTUS

The Green New Deal is a plan proposed by the Democratic Congress that is supposed to limit emissions that would cause climate change... ...but the Green New Deal does confer many unintended consequences. It is similar to global wealth redistribution. . @AOC ’s green new deal would end: Space travel Steaks Cars Airplanes Tanks Cows Nuclear energy & nuclear weapons Millions of American jobs U.S. dominance on the world stage Is this is the Democrats’ 2020 agenda? 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 11, 2019 Seeing how almost every activity humans do today emit small amounts of greenhouse gases. Ocasio-Cortez also wants to regulate "cow farts" because methane supposedly causes climate change. However, methane in the atmosphere is usually measured in parts per billion (ppb), while carbon dioxide is measured in parts per million (ppm). Wind farms and solar panels also rely on fossil fuels to be built (or even maintained). Thus, the Gree

Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders's Tweets, part 1 #BernieSandersLies

This is a list of my rebuttals to Tweets by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accounts. This is my first list. Tweet #1 We have got to think big, not small. Canada guarantees free health care for all, Finland provides free tuition at public colleges, France provides generous retirement benefits. We are the wealthiest country on Earth. Why can't we do the same? — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) February 6, 2019 Finland's personal income tax rate is 51.6 percent, typical of social democracies. France's rate is similar at 45 percent, which means there is less money in your pocket. Also, health care in Canada is not totally free. Claims of Canada's health care system being high quality or "free" have been debunked  here  and  here . Additionally, Canada's so-called best health care system is ranked last. We do not want to fall for the caveats of adopting social democracy in America (read: sky high income taxes). Tweet #2 If we are serious about transforming our c

Why gun control does not work? #SecondAmendment

This is a very controversial topic as it involves the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. The Founding Fathers thought of this so that every lawful citizen can own firearms. When someone commits a homicide, some liberal might shout "gun control" because lax gun laws are causing homicides. They are wrong because they do not know how gun control works. Gun control is like restricting lawful citizens from obtaining firearms. Unfortunately, it only applies to those who abide with the law, not criminals. Gun control has major flaws Amnesty International does not want to tell you. "AR-15" stands for "armalite rifle". Liberals call it an "assault rifle". Even the federal capital became a crime center after gun control. The most common example is that it restricts law abiding citizens from owning firearms. This is a flagrant infringement of the Second Amendment. They may have lost your right to own firearms to stiff gun control laws, whi

Why liberal policies fail (and a list of all of them that failed) #LiberalLogic

Liberal policies are closer to socialism and bigger government (e.g. government control of corporations) and discouraging private property. When government controls something, you have less freedom. Bigger government usually translates to less personal freedom. Here is a list of all liberal policies that lead to failure: High taxes (when you overtax the rich, you end up getting LESS tax revenue in the long run). A low-tax environment was key for nations to prosper. Too much taxation is what is going on in California, resulting in significantly less purchasing power for your money there than in the rest of the nation. Millions fled high-tax regions for lower tax regions for the last several decades. Bernie Sanders shows his hatred of success by demanding higher taxes on the rich. He said "I say to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump: Instead of repealing the estate tax, let’s substantially increase this tax on multi-millionaires and billionaires and reduce wealth inequali

Immigration and MS-13 #BuildtheWall

Immigration has been a thing since human civilization began. Nowadays, many do this to find better opportunities going from a third-world country to a high-income country. Immigration did help stimulate economies, just like the concept of international trade. However, there should be laws when traveling from one country to another (they must have a valid passport, and they usually need a visa, especially for long visits). Without these laws, there would be no borders, and so there will be no nation. Before the presidency of Barack Obama, many Democrats supported strong border laws as they discouraged illegal immigration. When Donald Trump became President, however, his plans for a border wall between Mexico and the United States brough many, many liberals out of mind. Liberals now tend to discourage strong border laws that keep the nation safe. In my opinion, legal immigration is what helped nations prosper, not illegal aliens infesting our southern border. The media and liberals b

Demographic projections: 2018 vs 2060 (part 1)

These are the ten most populous countries in 2018: China 1,393,686,493 India 1,358,137,719 United States 328,835,763 Indonesia 266,357,298 Brazil 212,873,151 Pakistan 200,662,818 Nigeria 196,752,840 Bangladesh 166,734,722 Russia 143,261,490 Mexico 131,788,271 These will be the ten most populous countries by 2060: India 1,745,182,406 China 1,276,757,047 Nigeria 473,123,062 United States 403,503,684 Pakistan 332,977,509 Indonesia 326,037,518 Democratic Republic of the Congo 237,216,692 Brazil 236,013,664 Ethiopia 209,458,924 Bangladesh 201,942,310 The greatest population declines are projected for these ten countries between 2018 and 2060: Bulgaria 6,992,150 to 4,664,960 (-33.28%) Moldova 4,044,534 to 2,908,731 (-28.08%) Romania 19,105,089 to 13,932,170 (-27.08%) Ukraine 44,170,002 to 32,542,047 (-26.33%) Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,782,297 to 2,792,611 (-26.17%) Latvia 1,935,780 to 1,504,200 (-22.29%) Croatia 4,194,538 to 3,332,966 (-20.54%) Poland 3

Low fertility nations: risk of demographic time bomb

As the world gets more and more populated by humans, as fewer marriages occur, and the time between pregnancies increase, there has been a decrease in the overall fertility rate of the human population, with high-income countries usually having the lowest fertility rates. With low fertility, the human population is also progressively aging older and older. The median age of the world human population is around 30 years. These countries have total fertility rates below 1.5 children per woman in 2017, which means there is a high risk of a demographic time bomb in the near future: Belarus (1.48) Cyprus (1.47) Austria (1.47) Bulgaria (1.46) Czechia (1.45) Hungary (1.45) Germany (1.45) Italy (1.44) Serbia (1.44) Greece (1.43) Japan (1.41) Slovakia (1.41) Croatia (1.40) Andorra (1.40) Slovenia (1.36) Romania (1.35) Poland (1.35) Bosnia and Herzegovina (1.30) Republic of Korea (1.26) Puerto Rico (1.22) Hong Kong (1.19) Taiwan (1.13) Singapore (0.83), the only sove

Decline of liberal cities

In the 1950s, Detroit was one of the wealthiest cities in the world. The population within its city limits was around 1.8 million. Democrat Jerome Cavanagh became the mayor of Detroit on January 2, 1962, and all mayors since then are Democrats. This is Detroit today... Population within its city limits: 670,000 Majority African-American Poverty and crime very high Decades of liberal policies have ruined the city. Additionally, most of the gun violence in the past couple of decades occurred in gun-free zones and areas with the strictest gun laws. These shootings are here just for liberals to take firearms from law abiding citizens by legislating more laws related to firearms. Other liberal run cities like Baltimore, St. Louis, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh also experienced negative population growth and the reversal of fortunes since 1950. The Democratic Party loves to drive people away to find better places to live. Don't believe in the false propaganda from labor union